Elements: in year book
1. school pictures
3. sports photo's
4. bands photo's
5. memories
6. leadership photo's
7. child hood photo's
8. cover
9. location
10. what you wonna do.
the year book it's self is made of cardboard and how its made is they sow the book than glew it in the card board.
i see letters, designs, the year and school.
who, what, when, where, why
i see the same thing that was on the first cover but it has page numbers it has.
it has the similar design as the front cover.
it has the exact same thing on the right side but on the left it has the people who made the year book.
i see what volume it is. the school, adress, location, zip code, and website,
Spread - two pages that work side by side that work together.
who? which is telling who they are and what they do. for example a girl on here telling what she does.
Divider page:
5 sections, and all of them talk about why, what, when, where, and why.
What i see in the back two covers:
i see blank i guess for autographing.
Colophon - describes how the year book was made and how they made up the theme and alot of details.
i see a bunch of memories of the seniors when they were little children.
there better be an index. sports.
12 bussness pages.
should be 40 pages - $300-500 = $16,000
cost of the year book:
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