Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Architecture Preview

who: spanish architect santiago calatrava
when: it was opened on august 27, 2005
where: santiago calatrava
you can go in the building and explore.
designed by a sculpture called twisting torso
i picked this building cause its the 2nd tallest bulding in scandinavia. and this place is very nice and i would go visit.

who: national register of historic places
when: february 24, 2004
where: genesee mountain
you cant cause its someones house.
2.8 million outstanding balance of his $3.1 million mortgage on the house
it was created for someone to live in.
i picked this building because i would really like to live in this house. the inside of the this house is gorgeous.

who: burj khalifa
when: october 27, 2006
where: dubai, united arab emirates
you could rent a room but its going to be alot of money.
about tens of millions of dollars.
they build it to have the most expensive builing in the country and if theres any desasters like a huge wave nothing will happen to this building.
i picked this builing because iv always learned about this building ever since its been around. in every history class.

who: arquitectura orgánica
when: november 11, 2009
where: mexico city, mexico
someone lives in this place.
this building was built for two kids in mexico.
i picked this building cause its a very nice home. its very catchy, everything in the house is catchy its weird but amazing in a way.

who: john f. kennedy
when: december 2001
where: beijing, china
you can visit but you have to have an art or you can just look at the art.
2.688 billion
it was built for very good art.
i picked it cause i love art and i would love to go and take a look inside this place and explore around.

Monday, March 21, 2011


the people in japan needs more help i feel really sorry for them in the disaster. they didnt see this coming at all and millions of people are homeless and their lives are ruined. in this photo there is a "background" for this.

the person in this car probably was on their way somewhere than got stuck but i feel bad for the person. this photo has a background inside where the car is.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Touching People

1. the project is an interesting thing to do because you dont often or expect for someone to tell to strangers to eachother to take a photo with eachother.

2. i wouldn't react to it bad i would probably just do it.

3. i think we should go in an random class and taking photo's as your in that class.

4. i think the photography is quite interesting taking a photo with a random person. the photographer used balanced elements. he took portraits from othe people.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cool advertising idea

i picked this picture because it really has a good design like the elepants drawn on the persons hand is catchy.
i wouldnt get AT&T cause it really isnt a good brand but just cause it has good design for it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Elements of year books and notes

Elements: in year book
1. school pictures
3. sports photo's
4. bands photo's
5. memories
6. leadership photo's
7. child hood photo's
8. cover
9. location
10. what you wonna do.

the year book it's self is made of cardboard and how its made is they sow the book than glew it in the card board.

i see letters, designs, the year and school.

who, what, when, where, why

i see the same thing that was on the first cover but it has page numbers it has.
it has the similar design as the front cover.

it has the exact same thing on the right side but on the left it has the people who made the year book.

i see what volume it is. the school, adress, location, zip code, and website,

Spread - two pages that work side by side that work together.
who? which is telling who they are and what they do. for example a girl on here telling what she does.

Divider page:
5 sections, and all of them talk about why, what, when, where, and why.

What i see in the back two covers:
i see blank i guess for autographing.

Colophon - describes how the year book was made and how they made up the theme and alot of details.

i see a bunch of memories of the seniors when they were little children.
there better be an index. sports.

12 bussness pages.
should be 40 pages - $300-500 = $16,000
cost of the year book:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Akins Building

in this photo she excitly saw me going to take a snapshot of her and made her laugh.
julio culajay in front of w. charles akins high posing for the snapshot.

walking around akin's looking for a photo for building than just took a shot of able acadamy showing a part of the builiding in akins.


Go to file and save as. Rename it. save it in YOUR folder.
Image, adjustments, levels
Change RGB to blue, and drag the white to the mountain.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Cover Types

Cover types:
1. Early magazine covers.
lots of magazines use to have a cute little painting. tips, moms who stay home and be good housekeeping.
often they concluded had vogue.

2. The poster cover
very few words. the picture is the most dominite piece. very apealing. in general there would be a page number to go to. the tital of the photo, the date, the photographer, and the photo.
in a poster magazine it should be something or someone everyone knows.
disadvanages, it can be very boring, it doesnt tell you more about the magazine inside.

3. Pictures married to type.
the words dont cover the most important in the photo, in fact the words do go with the photo.
the words work directly to the photo, and they tell us what we should see in the magazine.
they work together and help eachother up.
disadvanages, it could not be apealing to the mases.

4. In the forest of words.
lots of words organized in headlines style and sub headlines.
different sizes of words, different colors, different fonts.
in a force of style element, the text can cover up the photo on the magazine.
it has multiple points of entry.
disadvantges, its too cluddered, and takes away the photo behind the headlines.

Stuff that should be on my magazine cover.
title, photo, bar codes, date, price,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Magazine cover and catch up

1. the main idea.
2. what the photo is about.
3. what was going on while the photo was happening.
4. why i picked this photo and what made it interesting.
5. what makes this photot so awesome to write about.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

tips of photography self portrait

Just remember that a self-timer will give you a very limited amount of time to get in position (usually 10 seconds).

A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait.

i like this picture because the background is amazing it looks black and white and the subject looks the color of the real picture. i picked it out because i love to take pictures like this of me and also of other people.

i really like this picture because the eagles are lined up from close to far and thats a shot you wont capture often. their invirorment is awesome the background of the mountains is incredable. i picked this picture because one day i want to take a picture of animals you wont find doing, doing it and take a picture of it.

i really like this picture because mirror pictures are the most coolest pictures to me from glasses to mirrors to anything you can reflect to. i picked this picture because i love to take mirror photo's from windows and refective objects.

i like this picture because the movement made this picture an awesome photo the subject looks like a ghost and the sun in the background goes with the photo. i reason why i picked this picture because i love photo's with moement and it makes people into ghost.

i really like this picture because it shows what he stands for and what he loves for his life in the back is a horse and im assuming he lives on a farm loves to ride horse. i picked this picture because it shows what he loves.

i really like this picture because i love bmx and i love to take pictures of events of skateboarding or bmx thats one of my favorit things to take photo's of. i picked this picture because i love to do bmx and capture photo's of them.

for start im going to be doing the portrait on myself, than i will be doing the portrait on julio culajay. the photo's i will take of him will be good quality and there will be a background a close ups on some. there will be negative photo's in this so there can be black and white. we will be all over akins high school taking everywhere from the court yard to the gym to to class room.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome back!!!!

this picture is one my favorits pictures because the man in the photo holding the american flag is showing he has faith and he beleves that we can help them. though their country is broken and got as good but we are trying to help them out.

i really like this picture because i get to picture the predader pray on its bate and stock it. you see everything in this picture the giraffe see's the tiger about to attack.

this picture caught my eye because the background is quite amazing, they thunder in the clouds is amazing. the quality in the photo is good this person took a good photo they did a great job followed the background rules.

1. wiz khalifa - black and yellow
i picked this song because he's one of my favorit artist and his songs have good beats like this one.

2. cop out
tracy morgan is one of my favorit people in movies hes hilarious. in this movie is he is funny i loved this movie.

3. miley cyrus smoking weed
when i first saw this i was shocked i couldnt beleve it this is something i wouldnt have thought about. i knew she would drink but not smoke out of a bong.
4. justin bieber
justin bieber was chose the most important person because every girl loved his songs and everything so he got one million hits on his albums.

5. super bowl
super bowl, super bowl every mans favorit event a dream for kids to be in when they grow up, a dream for every NFL team to be in its what everyone wants to see.

1. i got some money from my grandpa and he's going to be he helping me buy the camera i want.
2. to have better grades and be more focus.
3. new year, new me, new life, new everything